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SB - Special Warfare Boat Operator

From shallow rivers to distant shores, the United States depends on an elite defense force known as Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewmen, or SWCC. You may have never heard of them, and that’s on purpose—their missions are the kind the Navy keeps quiet because of how vitally important they are. As the Sailors who insert and extract Navy SEALs from classified locations around the world, they are true warriors—highly trained, disciplined and distinguished. Their motto is “On Time, On Target, Never Quit,” and they live up to every word.

Active / Reserve

Job Description

Special Warfare Boat Operators (SB) support and perform maritime Special Operations in open ocean, littoral, and riverine environments; provide maritime insertion and extraction of Special Operations Forces (SOF) and others; possess unique skills in the operation, maintenance, and repair of specially configured combatant craft; operate small arms and crew-served weapons, operate, maintain and repair tactical communications equipment, and use paradrop techniques to insert combatant craft. Other skills include small boat tactics, tactical ground mobility, trauma care, intelligence gathering and interpretation, and chemical/biological/radiological/nuclear defense measures.


Rating Information Card

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