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QM - Quartermaster

As a Quartermaster, you navigate the open seas to keep our mission on course. Specializing in maps, charts and oceanography, you will work up in the ship’s pilot house, watching the sun rise and set each day. Every Sailor relies on your expertise to keep them safe and operational. When you become a Quartermaster, you become the ship’s GPS to keep it on track to reach its destination.

Active / Reserve

Job Description

Quartermasters (QM) stand watch as assistants to the Officer of the Deck (OOD) and the Navigator; serve as Helmsmen; perform ship control, navigation, and bridge watch duties; procure, correct, use, and stow navigational and oceanographic publications and charts; maintain navigational instruments and keep correct navigational time; perform weather data observations and data encoding; perform tactical communications using visual, audible, and electronic methods; and render honors and ceremonies in accordance with national observances and foreign customs.


Rating Information Card

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