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PS - Personnel Specialist

When you work in the civilian world, navigating the corporate ladder is up to you to figure out, for better or for worse. In the Navy, we want to see every Sailor grow into the best version of themselves, and that means providing the resources they need to help them advance their careers. Personnel Specialists help Sailors navigate the questions, challenges and opportunities that come with moving up the ranks. If you have a passion for helping others succeed and grow personally, or desire a future career in Human Resources, starting as a Personnel Specialist is guaranteed to open doors for you as you open doors for others.

Active / Reserve

Job Description

Personnel Specialists (PS) maintain financial and service records of military personnel; provide customer service to active and reserve members, retirees and dependents; prepare military personnel and pay transaction documents utilizing current Automatic Data Processing (ADP) systems; process and review for accuracy documents affecting military pay entitlements and deductions and perform related computations; prepare, verify and submit all pay and personnel documents resulting from Absent Without Official Leave (AWOL), Non-Judicial Punishment (NJP), and Courts Martial; counsel personnel regarding permanent change of station, separation entitlements and policies; determine transportation entitlements, prepare orders and arrange transportation, compute travel allowances incurred by military personnel and their dependents; conduct reenlistment and separation counseling, prepare reenlistment and separation documentation; counsel personnel on education and training opportunities; order, prepare advancement worksheets, and administer Navy-wide advancement examinations; prepare routine naval correspondence and administrative naval messages; conduct pre-deployment and indoctrination briefs; maintain Enlisted Distribution Verification Reports (EDVR) and optimal manning posture; monitor accession, contract and quality control reports; initiate security screening for enlistment qualification and special duty assignments; maintain leave and accounting records; prepare military payrolls; process and audit vouchers supporting receipt and expenditures of public funds and ensure accuracy of accounting data; maintain related fiscal records and prepare associated reports and returns; operate shipboard ADP equipment associated with afloat pay delivery systems; and verify, issue, and maintain security of active, reserve, retired and dependent identification cards.


Rating Information Card

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