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OS - Operations Specialist

Do you have what it takes to lead in the heart of Naval combat? As an Operations Specialist, you will serve as a supervisor and leader in the top-secret Combat Information Center. From the ocean surface, to outer space, you have a complete picture of all assets in the area. Day and night, your team tracks potential enemy targets and records their movement using complex radar equipment. As an OS, your intel gives ships and aircraft a strategic advantage, and helps weapons operators neutralize any threat to American forces.

Active / Reserve

Job Description

Operations Specialists (OS) advise on shipboard warfare operations and navigation; maintain Combat Information Center (CIC)/Combat Direction Center (CDC) displays and provide strategic plotting for warfare areas, weapons control and navigation; operate surveillance radars, identification equipment, communications equipment, and associated Command and Control equipment; interpret and evaluate radar presentations and tactical situations and make recommendations to senior leadership; apply current procedures and doctrine to CIC/CDC operations as specified by Joint/Allied/U.S. Navy publications and instructions; and display and disseminate tactical information during Surface Warfare (SUW), Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD), Undersea Warfare (USW), Amphibious Warfare (AMW), Mine Warfare (MIW), Littoral Warfare (LW), Naval Surface Fire Support (NSFS), and Search and Rescue (SAR) operations.


Rating Information Card

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