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ND - Navy Diver

Not many people can claim the ocean as their office. As a Navy Diver, your job will take you to the depths of the sea to perform underwater welding on ships, search harbors for impediments, retrieve sunken ship wreckage and even pull astronauts from the space capsule when they land in the sea. For you and your highly-trained teammates, it’s all in a day’s work. This is the best kept secret in the Navy—if the sea is calling you, this is how you answer.

Active / Reserve

Job Description

Navy Divers (ND) perform underwater salvage, recovery, repair, and maintenance on ships and submarines; search for and recover downed aircraft; conduct harbor clearance operations; provide assistance to military, federal, state, and local civilian law enforcement agencies in diving operations and procedures; maintain and repair diving equipment and systems; research and develop new diving techniques and procedures; conduct submarine rescue operations; maintain forms, records, correspondence, and files; and perform and supervise recompression chamber operations, hyperbaric treatment for diving and non-diving illnesses, open and closed-circuit Underwater Breathing Apparatus (UBA) diving, surface-supplied air and mixed-gas diving operations, demolition operations, and small arms proficiency.


Rating Information Card

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