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MMA - Machinist's Mate, Non-Nuclear, Submarine Auxiliary

Some say the heart of a submarine is in the reactor, others say it’s a Machinist’s Mate Auxiliary. As an MMA, your mechanical skills allow you to work on every part of the sub. As a member of “A-Gang,” you’ll maintain all the systems that make a submarine habitable, from keeping the oxygen and drinking water flowing, to making sure the lights and heat stay on. From hydraulics, to high-pressure air systems to the mechanics of the diesel engines, you’ll keep the boat’s mechanics running while your crew stays mission-ready at undisclosed depths.

Active / Reserve

Job Description

Machinist's Mate, Non-Nuclear, Submarine Auxiliary (MMA) operate, maintain, and repair (at the organizational and intermediate level) damage control equipment and systems, internal combustion diesel engines and diesel engine support systems, hydraulic systems, atmosphere control and oxygen-generating equipment, refrigeration systems, compressed air and gas systems, potable water system, seawater systems, and sanitary and plumbing systems.


Rating Information Card

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