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LN - Legalman

The legal world is ultra-competitive, and if you’ve ever imagined such a career for yourself, you know getting your foot in the door can be a big challenge. The Navy sets you up for success with hands-on experience that will take you across the world and put you ahead of your peers. You’ll develop specialized paralegal skills and directly assist lawyers in the Judge Advocate General’s (JAG) Corps, all while making a difference for your country.

Active / Reserve

Job Description

Legalmen (LN) perform paralegal duties under the direction and supervision of Judge Advocates to provide and administer legal services in support of military justice matters, administrative discharges, claims, admiralty law, and legal assistance; record and transcribe proceedings of courts martial, courts of inquiry, investigations, and military commissions, and prepare and submit necessary records and reports; prepare legal correspondence; draft charges and associated documents required for nonjudicial punishment and courts martial; conduct interviews; perform legal research; provide trial and defense paralegal support; and provide advice and assistance to personnel and commands on matters of legal administration.


Rating Information Card

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