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FC - Fire Controlman

Think you have what it takes to ready, aim and fire some of our deadliest weapons? If you’re a Fire Controlman, you are the foundation of a ship’s combat readiness, protecting the ship from inbound aircraft with the 5-inch guns, or conducting offensive strikes with the Tomahawk cruise missile weapon system. But these guns require more than just good aim.

As one of only two ratings in the Advanced Electronics/Computer Field (AECF), you will operate, maintain and control everything from radars, fire control systems and computer systems to the Navy’s most advanced missile system, Aegis, which uses radar technology to detect, track and eliminate targets all in one. This job requires highly specialized training and intricate attention. From detection to defense, you are prepared to neutralize enemy targets as the need arises.

Active / Reserve

Job Description

Fire Controlmen (FC) provide weapon direction systems employment recommendations; perform organizational and intermediate maintenance on digital computer equipment, subsystems, and systems; operate and maintain combat and weapons direction systems, surface-to-air and surfaceto-surface missile systems, and gun fire control systems at the organizational and intermediate level; inspect, test, align, and repair micro/minicomputers and associated peripheral equipment, data conversion units, data display equipment, data link terminal equipment, print devices, and system related equipment; perform analyses for detailed systems, computer programs, electronics, and electronic casualty control; and operate associated built-in and external test equipment; load, initialize, and run preprogrammed diagnostics, performance and testing routines for digital computer equipment, digital systems, digital subsystems, and overall combat systems.


Rating Information Card

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