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ETV - Electronics Technician, Submarine, Navigation

Navigating a submarine across the dark ocean floor isn’t an easy task. It requires pinpoint accuracy and the careful coordination of multiple systems. As an Electronics Technician Navigation, that’s where your expertise comes in. From tracking a submarine’s underwater inertia to detecting obstacles by radar, you’ll operate and maintain the systems that get your sub to its destination.


Job Description

Electronics Technicians, Submarine, Navigation (ETV) operate and perform maintenance on electronic equipment used for detection, tracking, recognition, and identification of maritime vessels and navigational aids; operate and perform maintenance on Interior Communications (IC), alarms, warnings and indicators, ship's control, entertainment, atmosphere control, instrumentation, and control systems; operate and maintain radar, gyrocompass, inertial navigation, and auxiliary equipment used to safely and accurately navigate all classes of submarines; maintain highly accurate navigation data for use by external systems and subsystems; develop and execute navigation plans; perform ship control, navigation, and lookout duties; procure, correct, use, and stow navigation publications and charts; and stand watch as assistants to officers of the deck and navigators.


Rating Information Card

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