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EA - Engineering Aide

Every successful engineering career needs a solid foundation, and as an Engineering Aide in the Seabees, that’s exactly what you’ll get. Learn from the best as you report directly to Construction Engineers who will help you develop a sharp understanding of what it takes to plan and carry out on-site projects. Do your job right, and you’ll build structures that will last for years to come and a career that will take you wherever you want to go.

Active / Reserve

Job Description

Engineering Aides (EA) plan, supervise, and perform tasks required in construction design preparation, surveying, drafting, materials testing, and construction management; establish control survey points, run and close traverses, run level circuits, create topographic maps, stake out construction projects, employing conventional and Global Navigation Survey Systems (GNSS); prepare, edit, and reproduce construction drawings; establish and operate systems for testing soils, concrete and other construction materials, design aggregate mixes for soil-cement, concrete, and bituminous applications; prepare timekeeping records, construction schedules, planning and estimating, quality control, and progress reports; provide facilities support; maintain individual combat readiness; and perform tasks required in combat, Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA), and Humanitarian Assistance/Disaster Recovery (HA/DR) operations.


Rating Information Card

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