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BM - Boatswain's Mate

The Navy has a long and storied history full of tradition. If you wear the “crossed anchors,” it means you’re part of one of the oldest and proudest communities of all. Boatswain’s Mates are the heart of every ship. As one of them, you’ll perform a wide range of duties, making you the jack-of-all-trades on ships and on shore. Whether you’re standing watch as a lookout, assisting as a search and rescue swimmer, or piping calls during a Navy ceremony, this job is one that comes with adventure and pride.

Active / Reserve

Job Description

Boatswain's Mates (BM) conduct, direct, supervise, and train ship handling, anchoring, mooring and towing operations, small boat operations, underway replenishment, amphibious operations, flight deck operations, crane operations, cargo handling, lifesaving equipment handling, rigging, deck seamanship, painting and preservation, marlinespike seamanship, and related equipment maintenance and administration.


Rating Information Card

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