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AZ - Aviation Maintenance Administrationman

Whether a mission calls for pinpointing reconnaissance targets from thousands of miles above ground, or extracting a SEAL team from behind enemy lines, Navy aircraft and helicopters log a lot of flight hours in extreme conditions. Keeping systems and equipment in peak working order is vital to mission success, which is why as an Aviation Maintenance Administrationman, you are meticulous about keeping logs, performing maintenance on schedule and generally knowing every aircraft component like the back of your hand.

Active / Reserve

Job Description

Aviation Maintenance Administrationman (AZ) perform technical, managerial, and support duties required by the Naval Aviation Maintenance Program (NAMP); prepare aircraft and maintenance related correspondence; maintain directive control and custody records, control forms and reporting requirements; maintain administrative files within the organization plan, program, and coordinate scheduled and unscheduled maintenance tasks and the incorporation of changes and modifications on/to aircraft and aeronautical equipment and support equipment; organize, maintain, and operate Navy Aeronautical Technical Publications Library (ATPL); oversee dispersed libraries; operate the Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System (NALCOMIS) and the configuration management of Naval Aircraft, associated components and support equipment, and manage NALCOMIS hardware, software upgrades, and network security and Information Assurance requirements; setup and administer basic Local Area Networks (LAN) in support of detachment processing; liaise with ship and/or shore Information Technology personnel for LAN support for NALCOMIS; and maintain data integrity between operations and maintenance departments.


Rating Information Card

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