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AWO - Naval Aircrewman Operator

Playing mind games with your opponent to predict their every move may sound like the plot of a movie. But for a Naval Aircrewman Operator, that’s what they do on the job every day. AWOs are the ultimate defense against the threats from the deep, locating, tracking and engaging hostile submarines. Using radar, sonar and a lot more that we can’t talk about, you’ll be the first to hear the menacing “ping” from a sub and the first to make that sound disappear. As an Aircrewman Operator, you can become the eyes and ears of our intelligence forces.

Active / Reserve

Job Description

Naval Aircrewmen (Operator) (AWO) operate advanced airborne tactical systems onboard Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft (MPRA) utilizing Mission Acoustic Subsystem (MAS), Radio Detection and Ranging (RADAR), Electronic Support Measures (ESM), Identification Friend or Foe/Selective Identification Feature (IFF/SIF), and Electro-Optic/Infrared (EO/IR) sensors to detect, analyze, classify, track, and attack surface and subsurface contacts. In addition they support mission planning, safeguard classified material, handle ordnance, collect and produce intelligence products for aircrews and theater Commanders in support of operations and tactical missions worldwide.


Rating Information Card

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