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AWF - Naval Aircrewman Mechanical

When you need to move high-priority cargo from Point A to Point B—and Point B is miles out to sea, steaming at 30 knots—you call in a Naval Aircrewman Mechanical. As in-flight personnel, AWFs maintain and troubleshoot aircraft while carefully handling million-dollar equipment on board. Perform everything from medical evacuations to small arms transports to delivering necessities to your fellow Sailors out at sea. You’ll even act as our eyes and ears in the sky, mapping coasts and ports for Navy intelligence. If you feel more at home above the sea than on it, Aircrewman Mechanical might be the job for you.

Active / Reserve

Job Description

Naval Aircrewmen Mechanical (AWF) are members of a fixed wing/tilt rotor integrated tactical crew aboard CMV-22, C-2, C-12, C-20, C-26, C-37, C-40, C-130, E-6, P-3 aircraft, and various Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV); perform in-flight and ground duties as aircraft Flight Engineer/Crew Chief, Loadmaster/Second Loadmaster, Reel Operator, Aircrew Readiness Manager, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Operator; calculate Weight and Balance (W&B) and aircraft performance, perform aircraft system maintenance and operation, system rigging, Aircrew administration, Flight/Ground training, Naval Air Logistics scheduling, cargo movement, Medical Evacuations (MEDEVAC), passenger transport and safety, equipment handling procedures, emergency procedures, utilize small arms, employ Dual Trailing Wire Antenna (DTWA) winch system, and support Joint Special Warfare operations; attain squadron aircrew qualifications and certifications to effectively sustain global warfare readiness


Rating Information Card

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