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AT - Aviation Electronics Technician

Once an aircraft launches off a carrier, pilots depend on their jet’s complex electronic systems to operate all areas of their craft and complete their mission. There is zero room for failure. That’s why Aviation Electronics Technicians are carefully trained to maintain all aviation electronic systems, from navigation and radar to tactical displays and warfare sensors. You’ll become in expert in understanding, troubleshooting and repairing every component so that each aircraft is prepped for mission success.

Active / Reserve

Job Description

Aviation Electronics Technicians (AT) if intermediate, perform intermediate level maintenance on aviation electronic components supported by conventional and automatic test equipment, including repair of Weapons Replaceable Assemblies (WRA), and Shop Replaceable Assemblies (SRA), and perform test equipment calibration/repair and associated test bench maintenance. They also perform organizational level maintenance on aircraft electronics systems to include: computers, communications, Radio Detection and Ranging (RADAR), navigation, Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) sensors, fiber optics, Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR), wiring, weapons systems, Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (LASER), electronic warfare, data link, fire control, and tactical displays with associated equipment. For more detailed information,


Rating Information Card

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