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AD - Aviation Machinist's Mate

Some look at complex machinery with dread; others, with desire. Most mechanics can’t say they’ve repaired the engines of an F-35C Lightning II, but as a Navy Aviation Machinist’s Mate, you could be one of them. From the day you arrive at your first squadron, you’ll be up close and personal with the engines of the Navy’s biggest, most powerful fighter jets and other aircraft. Get your hands dirty testing and maintaining engines, fuel systems, propellers and more. In the civilian world it takes years to get this kind of experience. In the Navy, we think you’re ready now.

Active / Reserve

Job Description

Aviation Machinist's Mates (AD) maintain, inspect, troubleshoot, preserve, and de-preserve aircraft engines and their related systems, including fuel, lubrication, compression, combustion, exhaust, accessory gearbox, aircraft mounted accessory drive, propeller, anti-ice, and bleed air systems; conduct special and conditional inspections and oil analysis; functional checks and required adjustments on engines and related systems; and supervise and provide training to powerplant work centers.


Rating Information Card

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